Lose.R web development
01. About
Lose.R web development specializes in web sites and web shops for smaller businesses and organizations. We use open source CMS platforms, such as WordPress/WooCommerce, Drupal and Concrete5. The web sites range from the use of existing themes (with minor customizations) to entirely custom designs.
My name is Rikke Lose, and I am an experienced developer with a background in library and information science: I work closely with Digital and Marketing Agencies and Designers, creating appealing, responsive and user friendly web solutions.

02. Experience
Over the years I have developed and maintained web sites in in a variety of Open Source Content Management Systems (CMS), mainly WordPress but also Drupal and Concrete5.
The last couple of years I have also worked on a lot of project that uses React, Next.js and Node.js for front end development with either WordPress or custom APIs as the backend.
I collaborate with the digital agency Supertusch on a variety of custom design websites.
I also help design, branding and marketing companies, such as Meander Media and Monokrom with development of special features and plugins on WordPress sites.
I have a Master of Library & Informations Science (2006) and from 2005-2014 I worked as a Database Consultant and Software Developer at DBC Digital a company that develops and maintains the bibliographic and IT infrastructure in the Danish libraries